On the Nancy templates for Visual Studio

A while back we introduced Nancy templates for Visual Studio, which gave you the ability to create a new Nancy project that has Nancy added out-of-the-box. This meant no more creating an empty ASP.NET web application, removing all those pesky project references and installing the Nancy nugets, just to get up and running.

Unfortunately we have not been able to update these template with every new release of Nancy, which means you have had to update the Nancy Nugets to make sure you where using the latest build.

Believe me when I tell you that this has not been out of laziness, but rather the instinct to survive, but hopefully we've taken a couple of important decisions to remedy this in


Supporting Single Sign On In Your Nancy Applications

In enterprise application the requirement for single sign on is common: Users are already authenticated against the domain controller - they don't want to jump through another authentication hoop to get access to your particular application. Setting this up in ASP.NET using WIF is some pretty easy web.config gymnastics and described elsewhere. The result of this setup is that the current principal on authenticated requests is a ClaimsPrincipal identifying the user in terms of the claims setup for him/her in the identity provided (e.g. your organizations Active Directory).
Below I show how to integrate the WIF authentication setup with your Nancy application - It doesn't take much, but lets


The "Instant Nancy Web Development" Book

After a quick six month writing and editing process my Nancy book is published. It's available as e-pub, mobi, pfd and dead trees via the publishers site as well as Amazon, Amazon UK, and Safari.

What's it about?
Well, it about the Nancy web framework. Nancy is an awesome .NET based web framework that focuses on being both easy and fun to work with. Nancy lends itself to writing highly testable web application with simple, concise and readable code. Who doesn't want that?
The book starts from the very basics of getting Nancy up and running, but quickly moves into more interesting areas including dependency injection, hosting, content negotiation, authentication, async processing and


My Nancy Talk from NDC

The video of the talk I did on Nancy at NDC is out.

The talk me writing some Nancy code, talking a lot about Nancy and at the end I have a simple todo application.



Lowering The Barrier To Entry For Testing On Linux / Mono With Vagrant

Introduction We are big fans of Mono on the Nancy project – we have Continuous Integration builds that run on both Mono 2.x, and Mono 3.x (in addition to Microsoft’s .net), and we have TravisCI also performing Mono builds of all pull requests as they come in. As good as Mono is though, there are […]


Windows 8, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, Vagrant and Hanging on Boot

 Introduction I’ve recently been playing around with Vagrant to allow Nancy contributors to easily test their changes on Mono, even if they don’t have much (or any) experience with Linux or Mono itself (more on this soon). Vagrant allows scripts to be created to quickly and easily spin up virtuals with a certain configuration, and just […]


Hello Nancy World in F#

As you may noticed (if you follow this blog or go to the same conferences as me) I really like the Nancy web framework. So naturally, since I've decided to finally learn F# properly, I threw together a hello world Nancy app in F#. It's very simple; the complete code is listed below. All I did was create an F# console application, install the Nancy and Nancy.Hosting.Self NuGet packages and type in this code, which will return the string "Hello" if you point your browser to "http://localhost:8888/nancy/":

So what's going in that code? Fist thing to notice is the type HelloModule which inherits NancyModule. On start up Nancy will pick up all NancyModules and run their constructor. In


Speaking at Warm Crocodile

In about a month from now I'll be at Warm Crocodile conference in Copenhagen. While there I'll be giving two talks, both on the Thursday. The titles and abstracts are:

  • Introduction to Nancy: Nancy is a lightweight .NET web framework. It provides an easy to use, to-the-point alternative to the most commonly used .NET web frameworks. Nancy does not try to be everything to everyone. But it does try to be the super-duper-happy path to web development on .NET and Mono. Come get introduced to Nancy, and judge for yourself.
  • Layers Consider Harmful : Layers are killing us. All the time. They are killing our communication. They are killing our speed. They are killing the others speed as well.


Video of my WebNETConf Talk

The talk on various "alternative" .NET web frameworks I did at Web.NET Conference is up on Vimeo:

It's a bit hard to see the slides, so you might want to get them off SlideShare:



Could not load file or assembly FSharp.Core with .net 4.5 / NDjango / Win8

The Problem With today’s release of the RTM versions of Win8 and Visual Studio 2012 I, like many others no doubt, have formatted one of my machines, thrown the new bits on, and kicked the tyres with some code. Unfortunately, when I tried Nancy, everything build just fine, but running any tests involving NDjango (F# […]